Civil rights.
What does that even mean today? Back in the day, the fight for civil rights was needed. Yes, blacks were being discriminated against in mass. Today, though, what is the fight for civil rights? Is it for voting? I think the Voting Rights Act of 1965 took care of that one. Constitutional Amendment 15 took care of that one. Is it the right to equal employment opportunities? I think affirmative action took care of that one. Is it the fight for equal education? United Negro College fund, "black" colleges, various scholarships for being "black" or a "minority". Yes, education covered. Now, what exactly is being "fought" for? While some who read this will roll their eyes and call me whatever name imaginable, ask yourself the question...and HONESTLY answer it. NO ONE can be denied anything based upon race/skin color.
The "civil rights" that are allegedly being "fought for" are already granted through various laws. So, I ask the question: What "rights" are being fought for? Before anyone tells me "it's so we can feel safe walking down the road", can I, as a "white woman" go into a predominantly black neighborhood without being questioned, without being "eyeballed"? Can I, as a "white woman" walk into a black owned business in a black neighborhood without someone thinking that I'm up to something? Yes. I had the nerve to question racial profiling towards "white folk".
Now, that I have your attention, let's make some things clear. There is profiling and denial thrust upon people every day...from every walk of life. I can't go into a "rich" type store, dressed in my jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers, without being followed or watched. I don't "look" like I belong there. I can't go into some churches in this country dressed that way, and NOT get "looks" because it doesn't "look" christian or "godly". I can't walk into a strip club, alone, without it being thought that I'm lesbian or at least bi.
Just a few weeks ago, while visiting my niece at the hospital, we were waiting on the walk way to show "walk" so we (my husband and I) could legally cross the street. While it was showing "don't walk", a black couple decided to start crossing the road (jay-walking...illegal). I happened that a white man had just pulled out of the parking area and had to wait on those two to get out of his way. They strolled, along, knowing that he would have to wait on them. When they were safe distance enough from his van, he gently started pulling off to continue his drive. The black woman eyeballed the driver and made a racially motivated remark about him. The man had every RIGHT to speak back to her but didn't. SHE and the man with her broke the law by walking across the road at an illegal moment. The walk/don't walk sign is there for protection for those who cross the street. She chose to get mad at HIS behavior...instead of her own. Had the situation been reversed....OMG..the fight that would have come forth.
So, once more, I ask the question: What "civil rights" are being "fought" for? furthermore, where's the "civility" in "fighting for civil rights"?
These are MY thoughts. Agree with them or not, it's your right. I am a conservative woman from the south. I believe in God. Believe Jesus is the risen Son of God. I do NOT support anything that would take away my constitutional rights. God first, family, THAT order!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Oh ye hypocrites
Having a conversation with others regarding them not being in church is quite interesting, yet typical.....too many hypocrites in the church. I wonder, though, how many accusers are willing to take a step back and look at their own lives? Honestly, not many. Yes, the Bible says, "don't judge or you'll be judged" (Matthew 7). I'm curious, though, how many are taught that Christians are to judge those INSIDE church walls (or congregation members) (1Corinthians 5:12)? This is what needs to happen: Christians need to start calling out sin within the body of Christ. Verse 13 of 1 Corinthians 5 says that GOD will judge those outside the church. This MUST be done, though, out of love for the person. Too many times, and I've been guilty of this, Christians want to point out sin while showing disgust for the sinner. Jesus never did that. Remember the woman brought to him after being caught in the act of adultery? He showed her such compassion and love. I've always had this question: Jesus had every right to call those men out for watching a woman having sex with someone who wasn't her husband. Why didn't He? What He did tell them is this, "if you're without sin, cast the first stone." Jesus was without sin, yet spoke gentle to her. He showed her love and compassion WHILE telling her to "go and sin no more". See, we forget about the "go and sin no more" part of the story. How many times have any of us told someone he/she shouldn't be sleeping around? Wait, how many times does the Bible have to tell us to not gossip? Seems to me there are plenty in the church guilty of that one. Gossip about the preacher...the praise leader...congregation members....everyone...YET they want to call someone's sin out regarding having sex. Oh yeah, what about the gluttony issue! How many of us within the church are fat? Yeah, I said it! FAT! Most of us sure didn't get that way due to a medical issue. Most of us got that way because we ate/eat too much food. Who's aware, though, that gluttony doesn't only relate to food? Gluttony denotes an unhealthy appetite for something. For some it's food. For another it may be money. For another it may be material goods. many of us within the church are gluttonous? Too many. Unfortunately, the "prosperity gospel" further feeds that issue (but that's another blog).
Seems to me that the church needs to worry about cleaning itself before it attempts to force clean someone else. Why do I say these things? Because I've both been guilty of this and a victim of this. I've lost "friends" because I left a church. I lost friends because I no longer believed as they do. Thankfully, God sent people to replace those who shunned me. Instead of loving me...and showing me God's love....I was left to myself. I no longer worry about "friendships" within the church. I no longer worry whether or not someone is offended by the Word.
More in the church should think about God's "Amazing Grace" (when it comes to those outside the church body). "There but for the grace of God go I."
Seems to me that the church needs to worry about cleaning itself before it attempts to force clean someone else. Why do I say these things? Because I've both been guilty of this and a victim of this. I've lost "friends" because I left a church. I lost friends because I no longer believed as they do. Thankfully, God sent people to replace those who shunned me. Instead of loving me...and showing me God's love....I was left to myself. I no longer worry about "friendships" within the church. I no longer worry whether or not someone is offended by the Word.
More in the church should think about God's "Amazing Grace" (when it comes to those outside the church body). "There but for the grace of God go I."
A time of reflection .... June 2004-August 2004
January 12, 2011 at 10:54pm
I was outside smoking and decided to have a little talk with someone. No, it wasn't least not at first. It was Jayden.....the one who would have been my first born.
I was so excited the day I found out that I was pregnant. It was something that had been prayed for for quite some time. We were so happy. We started picking out names over the next few days, even started collecting baby things. The theme was going to be baby loony toons. Others, who'd been praying with and for us for years, were almost as happy as we were. The first appointment was okay...just a general checkup. The next time I went to the doctor was a different story. It was Aug 19, 2004....the day of my 34th birthday. We were supposed to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. The doctor did the ultrasound.........only to be able to inform me that our child, who should have been 10 weeks, was only 8 weeks developed...and no heartbeat. It was then that we were told that I would miscarry. I should have known something was wrong. I'd had NO sickness at all. I was having to eat every 2 hours, even though I couldn't eat very much. A couple of weeks before my birthday, I started getting about everything. I even had to go home from work after being there for only an hour or so....too many bathroom trips (if ya get my drift). Being told that we would lose our baby was the most horrible piece of news we could have ever received.
That night while getting a back rub, I saw a little boy who looked to be about 8 yrs old. He had dark eyes and dark hair. He looked alot like his dad. He told me, "mommy, I love you but I have to go now." Needless to say, I started crying. I knew I was looking at my son...Jayden Michael. He was the most precious site I'd ever seen.
The following night, we were out at my youngest brother's house with his family. I had to call out to my sister-in-law....she knew what was happening. My brother, C.L., rushed us all to the hospital. While waiting on them to get me in the back, I told a nurse I needed to go to the bathroom. In a nutshell, I delivered my son that night...just not in the way I'd planned. Losing him impacted me more than I thought it did at that time.
For those of you who didn't know, I actually have two in heaven with God....the other here with James and me. I've cried many tears over the first one.....tears of sadness, depression, anger, questioning, etc. I think I felt every emotion possible to mankind.
I just had a talk with him a little while ago...right before I started writing this. I told him that I love him. I also told him thank you....he must have said something to God in order for me to be blessed with Jesse. He must have thought I'd be a good mommy.
All I can say now is this: Jayden, Mommy loves you so very much. I will never forget you; however, it's time for me to let you go. I didn't get to hold you in my arms, but I've held onto you so tightly since you decided you needed to leave. I will NEVER forget you. Jesse will NEVER take your place in my heart. I don't think I can love Jesse the way he needs me as long as I still hang onto you. You will forever be in my memory....the way you appeared to me....the little 8 yr old boy with eyes that shined.....your beautiful brown hair....the love in your voice when you spoke to me. Thank you so much for loving me enough to tell me goodbye before you physically left my body. I have things on here on earth that I must do. You have a great time, as I know you are, with your Great Grandpa White and your Great Grandpa Fry. I know that they love you as much as I do. I love you my son. ...... Love, Mommy.
I was outside smoking and decided to have a little talk with someone. No, it wasn't least not at first. It was Jayden.....the one who would have been my first born.
I was so excited the day I found out that I was pregnant. It was something that had been prayed for for quite some time. We were so happy. We started picking out names over the next few days, even started collecting baby things. The theme was going to be baby loony toons. Others, who'd been praying with and for us for years, were almost as happy as we were. The first appointment was okay...just a general checkup. The next time I went to the doctor was a different story. It was Aug 19, 2004....the day of my 34th birthday. We were supposed to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. The doctor did the ultrasound.........only to be able to inform me that our child, who should have been 10 weeks, was only 8 weeks developed...and no heartbeat. It was then that we were told that I would miscarry. I should have known something was wrong. I'd had NO sickness at all. I was having to eat every 2 hours, even though I couldn't eat very much. A couple of weeks before my birthday, I started getting about everything. I even had to go home from work after being there for only an hour or so....too many bathroom trips (if ya get my drift). Being told that we would lose our baby was the most horrible piece of news we could have ever received.
That night while getting a back rub, I saw a little boy who looked to be about 8 yrs old. He had dark eyes and dark hair. He looked alot like his dad. He told me, "mommy, I love you but I have to go now." Needless to say, I started crying. I knew I was looking at my son...Jayden Michael. He was the most precious site I'd ever seen.
The following night, we were out at my youngest brother's house with his family. I had to call out to my sister-in-law....she knew what was happening. My brother, C.L., rushed us all to the hospital. While waiting on them to get me in the back, I told a nurse I needed to go to the bathroom. In a nutshell, I delivered my son that night...just not in the way I'd planned. Losing him impacted me more than I thought it did at that time.
For those of you who didn't know, I actually have two in heaven with God....the other here with James and me. I've cried many tears over the first one.....tears of sadness, depression, anger, questioning, etc. I think I felt every emotion possible to mankind.
I just had a talk with him a little while ago...right before I started writing this. I told him that I love him. I also told him thank you....he must have said something to God in order for me to be blessed with Jesse. He must have thought I'd be a good mommy.
All I can say now is this: Jayden, Mommy loves you so very much. I will never forget you; however, it's time for me to let you go. I didn't get to hold you in my arms, but I've held onto you so tightly since you decided you needed to leave. I will NEVER forget you. Jesse will NEVER take your place in my heart. I don't think I can love Jesse the way he needs me as long as I still hang onto you. You will forever be in my memory....the way you appeared to me....the little 8 yr old boy with eyes that shined.....your beautiful brown hair....the love in your voice when you spoke to me. Thank you so much for loving me enough to tell me goodbye before you physically left my body. I have things on here on earth that I must do. You have a great time, as I know you are, with your Great Grandpa White and your Great Grandpa Fry. I know that they love you as much as I do. I love you my son. ...... Love, Mommy.
Never forget
September 11, 2012 at 8:23am
September 11,2001 ...... denial, anger, depression, distrust ... patriotism, unity, togetherness. Such an extreme range of emotion happened that day. It was the day that most of us, as Americans, truly began to learn about Islam. Here we are, 11 years later. We are now told by our government that Islam is a religion of peace. Peace. September 11, 2001 was anything but a show of peace. It was a direct attack against a nation. With this election, please keep in mind the friends that each candidate has. One has friends who are radical muslims. One has friends who seek only to infiltrate and take over our country. One has friends who have nothing better to do than make sure Americans suffer. Why? Simply because we are Americans. This election is about making sure that we, as a nation, as individuals, don't lose any more of our freedoms. Remember, September 11, 2001 hasn't ended for our military who still fight those who would harm us. How will you show your support for this country? How will you show your patriotism this November? How will YOU show YOUR support for our military...the military that one candidate is wanting to discredit by taking away some of the days they have to get their votes in? How will you explain to your children...your grandchildren...YOU vote when they ask about this day in the future. Will you tell them that you voted to bring back OUR freedom? Will you tell them that you voted to help bring pride back to this country? Will you tell them that you voted to bring back respect for this country? OR.....will you tell them that you voted for someone who has friends who seek to only harm us by infiltrating our government? Remember, radical Islam is still around. It's called the Muslim Brotherhood. There is ONE candidate who has allowed them to take place in OUR government. There is ONE candidate who welcomed them, with open arms, into the place in which he lives. On the other hand, we have a candidate who has given much to his society. We have a candidate we can choose who follows the Bible by helping the less fortunate. We have a candidate we can choose who has turned his state around for the better....created jobs, took NO pay as Governor...took NO pay for over 28 years for work that he's performed. This election isn't just about picking a candidate for the office of the President. This election is making sure that those responsible for the events of 9/11 aren't allowed to be in control of OUR country. If you are still undecided, maybe you need to remind yourself of history and events happening in Islamic countries. This election is about standing up for OUR freedoms....for OUR rights....for OUR nation!
September 11,2001 ...... denial, anger, depression, distrust ... patriotism, unity, togetherness. Such an extreme range of emotion happened that day. It was the day that most of us, as Americans, truly began to learn about Islam. Here we are, 11 years later. We are now told by our government that Islam is a religion of peace. Peace. September 11, 2001 was anything but a show of peace. It was a direct attack against a nation. With this election, please keep in mind the friends that each candidate has. One has friends who are radical muslims. One has friends who seek only to infiltrate and take over our country. One has friends who have nothing better to do than make sure Americans suffer. Why? Simply because we are Americans. This election is about making sure that we, as a nation, as individuals, don't lose any more of our freedoms. Remember, September 11, 2001 hasn't ended for our military who still fight those who would harm us. How will you show your support for this country? How will you show your patriotism this November? How will YOU show YOUR support for our military...the military that one candidate is wanting to discredit by taking away some of the days they have to get their votes in? How will you explain to your children...your grandchildren...YOU vote when they ask about this day in the future. Will you tell them that you voted to bring back OUR freedom? Will you tell them that you voted to help bring pride back to this country? Will you tell them that you voted to bring back respect for this country? OR.....will you tell them that you voted for someone who has friends who seek to only harm us by infiltrating our government? Remember, radical Islam is still around. It's called the Muslim Brotherhood. There is ONE candidate who has allowed them to take place in OUR government. There is ONE candidate who welcomed them, with open arms, into the place in which he lives. On the other hand, we have a candidate who has given much to his society. We have a candidate we can choose who follows the Bible by helping the less fortunate. We have a candidate we can choose who has turned his state around for the better....created jobs, took NO pay as Governor...took NO pay for over 28 years for work that he's performed. This election isn't just about picking a candidate for the office of the President. This election is making sure that those responsible for the events of 9/11 aren't allowed to be in control of OUR country. If you are still undecided, maybe you need to remind yourself of history and events happening in Islamic countries. This election is about standing up for OUR freedoms....for OUR rights....for OUR nation!
Is God a changing God?
Posted as a note on FB November 2, 2012 at 9:13am
"My God is a changing God, a loving God, a God who wants his children to live happy and peaceful. I feel quite comfortable in kneeling before him on Judgement Day and I am strong in my faith." (an opinion seen on my news feed)
"Let me tell you something people!!!! God does NOT change!!! HE is God Almighty!
Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not
The ONLY way His children will be happy and peaceful is to obey HIS words!!! It is strictly by HIS mercy that we are not immediately judged. It is HIS grace that brought us salvation. People, if you think there is any other way to be a Christian..outside the shed blood of Jesus the are in danger of never being with God for eternity. I don't claim to be perfect...I know I'm not. I also know, however, that it's by the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus that I"m saved. There is NOTHING I can do to earn that salvation. The opinion that you being "comfortable" doesn't equate to salvation. That's a false sense of security where YOUR salvation is concerned. Wake up. When you stand before God Almighty, how will you plead? Innocent due to your own works of the flesh? OR...guilty and unworthy but covered with the blood of Jesus? Wake up people!!! The day of judgement is at hand. God will reign down judgement upon this land. A refiner's fire!!!! Purging the unclean!!! The heaven's are slowly opening up. Ask for forgiveness for having the arrogant attitude that you are capable of obtaining salvation your own way. Our nation has asked: My God! My God! Why have you forsaken us? God would say unto you: "It is not I that have forsaken you. It is YOU who have forsaken Me. I AM!!! I Am the Creator of the Universe! I Am the giver of salvation! I Am the ONE who makes a way out of no way! I AM !!! I AM!!!! I AM the Alpha and Omega! I AM the Aleph Tav! All things begin and end with Me and Me alone! I love you so very much! All I've wanted is for you to kneel at my feet. All I've ever wanted ss for you to follow Me. I created you to worship me! I created you to trust in ME! I CREATED YOU!!! I watched at you were formed in the womb of your mother. I watched as you were birthed. I listened as you took your first breath. I was there the first time you opened your eyes. I've NEVER left you. I'm where I've always been. It is you who've left me. I AM ever present! I AM !!! I AM everything!"
"My God is a changing God, a loving God, a God who wants his children to live happy and peaceful. I feel quite comfortable in kneeling before him on Judgement Day and I am strong in my faith." (an opinion seen on my news feed)
"Let me tell you something people!!!! God does NOT change!!! HE is God Almighty!
Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not
The ONLY way His children will be happy and peaceful is to obey HIS words!!! It is strictly by HIS mercy that we are not immediately judged. It is HIS grace that brought us salvation. People, if you think there is any other way to be a Christian..outside the shed blood of Jesus the are in danger of never being with God for eternity. I don't claim to be perfect...I know I'm not. I also know, however, that it's by the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus that I"m saved. There is NOTHING I can do to earn that salvation. The opinion that you being "comfortable" doesn't equate to salvation. That's a false sense of security where YOUR salvation is concerned. Wake up. When you stand before God Almighty, how will you plead? Innocent due to your own works of the flesh? OR...guilty and unworthy but covered with the blood of Jesus? Wake up people!!! The day of judgement is at hand. God will reign down judgement upon this land. A refiner's fire!!!! Purging the unclean!!! The heaven's are slowly opening up. Ask for forgiveness for having the arrogant attitude that you are capable of obtaining salvation your own way. Our nation has asked: My God! My God! Why have you forsaken us? God would say unto you: "It is not I that have forsaken you. It is YOU who have forsaken Me. I AM!!! I Am the Creator of the Universe! I Am the giver of salvation! I Am the ONE who makes a way out of no way! I AM !!! I AM!!!! I AM the Alpha and Omega! I AM the Aleph Tav! All things begin and end with Me and Me alone! I love you so very much! All I've wanted is for you to kneel at my feet. All I've ever wanted ss for you to follow Me. I created you to worship me! I created you to trust in ME! I CREATED YOU!!! I watched at you were formed in the womb of your mother. I watched as you were birthed. I listened as you took your first breath. I was there the first time you opened your eyes. I've NEVER left you. I'm where I've always been. It is you who've left me. I AM ever present! I AM !!! I AM everything!"
"White Privilege"...does it really exist?
Back in the day, admittedly, there was "white privilege". In times
past, blacks were made to sit in the back of the bus; blacks were made
to drink from separate drinking fountains; blacks were made to enter
businesses through a back door. In today's day and time, this no longer
exists. How truly sad that the racists attitudes of the day are
determined to keep minorities down under an invisible thumb of cultural
slavery. Yes, cultural slavery. There are those who are being told that
to "behave differently or think differently" than one's culture (in the
eyes of the media) is to hate oneself, race or "people". Why is it that
many choose to believe this lie perpetuated in order to gain complete
control over an entire group of people? What's truly mind-boggling is
the FACT that these same people believe they are "thinking for
themselves". Thinking for oneself means stepping OUTSIDE the lines of
race or culture, gaining information, and making an educated decision
based solely upon facts. It does NOT mean following someone because
he/she makes you feel better by making you seem inferior to others. I'm
saddened that our young people, today, are being taught this tragic
mess. Forget that everyone has the same right to success. Our young
people, today, are being taught that "whites" or "non-minorities" are
responsible for keeping everyone else down. Why is this? Why would
anyone choose to allow himself/herself to be told that he/she is
inferior to someone based solely on the color of skin or ethnic
background? Yes. Cultural slavery. Why would anyone choose to remain in a
cultural box and allow another to hold the key? That is what people
like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson do: put people in a box and retain
the key. THEY dictate what those people can and can't do. THEY deceive
the masses into believing that non-minorities dictate how they, the
minority, will be treated. THEY say that "whitey" is the problem for
everything. I don't recall ever seeing a "white college", a "white
scholarship", a "united white people's college fund", a "white
entertainment television", a "white awards program". I do, however, see
BET, United Negro College Fund, NAACP, Black Colleges, various "black"
awards programs. There are even awards programs geared towards latinos.
Illegals are given a free ride to education, on all OUR dimes. That's
NOT "white privilege" (even though people still think Zimmerman is a
Someone would say that, upon a black man and white man entering a store at the same time, the black man being followed, that the white man had "white privilege". How about this: how did each present himself upon entering the store? What was said through their body language? What was the look in their eyes? I, too, have had someone "grill" me in a store. I had a black store manager NOT believe when I told her I'd put $20 into a self checkout. She even had the deputy at the store watch the security video. Where was that "white privilege"? If I enter a predominantly black clothing store, and I get "that look", where is the "white privilege"? If go into a neighborhood, in which I don't live, and police are called on me, where is the "white privilege"? If I attend a predominantly black church, and feel the stares, where is the "white privilege"?
How about Affirmative Action? While I do believe that, at one time, such was needed; however, in todays day and time, it is a tool used to make sure that jobs are given to someone based solely on some racial makeup required for an employer. Heaven forbid that a more qualified candidate get the job...Affirmative Action is solely about race. Someone claimed that I, as a "government and socially called white woman", am able to take advantage of it due to being a woman. Why would I want to do that? I want to be judged on my qualifications for a job, NOT because I am a female. Others should want a job based on their qualifications, not the color of their skin. Affirmative Action degrades any individual who takes part of it. It degrades the hard work someone has done in order to use skin color as a hiring tool (or even education).
I really don't care about the color of someone's skin. I care more about the content of someone's character. I care that people choose to pull themselves up out of the mire and succeed through hard work. I care that people NOT fall slave to cultural slave masters. I care that people realize THEIR value....NOT the value dictated to them by those who make money off of them.
Someone would say that, upon a black man and white man entering a store at the same time, the black man being followed, that the white man had "white privilege". How about this: how did each present himself upon entering the store? What was said through their body language? What was the look in their eyes? I, too, have had someone "grill" me in a store. I had a black store manager NOT believe when I told her I'd put $20 into a self checkout. She even had the deputy at the store watch the security video. Where was that "white privilege"? If I enter a predominantly black clothing store, and I get "that look", where is the "white privilege"? If go into a neighborhood, in which I don't live, and police are called on me, where is the "white privilege"? If I attend a predominantly black church, and feel the stares, where is the "white privilege"?
How about Affirmative Action? While I do believe that, at one time, such was needed; however, in todays day and time, it is a tool used to make sure that jobs are given to someone based solely on some racial makeup required for an employer. Heaven forbid that a more qualified candidate get the job...Affirmative Action is solely about race. Someone claimed that I, as a "government and socially called white woman", am able to take advantage of it due to being a woman. Why would I want to do that? I want to be judged on my qualifications for a job, NOT because I am a female. Others should want a job based on their qualifications, not the color of their skin. Affirmative Action degrades any individual who takes part of it. It degrades the hard work someone has done in order to use skin color as a hiring tool (or even education).
I really don't care about the color of someone's skin. I care more about the content of someone's character. I care that people choose to pull themselves up out of the mire and succeed through hard work. I care that people NOT fall slave to cultural slave masters. I care that people realize THEIR value....NOT the value dictated to them by those who make money off of them.
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