Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Civil rights

Civil rights.  

What does that even mean today? Back in the day, the fight for civil rights was needed. Yes, blacks were being discriminated against in mass. Today, though, what is the fight for civil rights? Is it for voting? I think the Voting Rights Act of 1965 took care of that one.  Constitutional Amendment 15 took care of that one. Is it the right to equal employment opportunities? I think affirmative action took care of that one. Is it the fight for equal education? United Negro College fund, "black" colleges, various scholarships for being "black" or a "minority". Yes, education covered.  Now, what exactly is being "fought" for?  While some who read this will roll their eyes and call me whatever name imaginable, ask yourself the question...and HONESTLY answer it. NO ONE can be denied anything based upon race/skin color.

The "civil rights" that are allegedly being "fought for" are already granted through various laws. So, I ask the question:  What "rights" are being fought for? Before anyone tells me "it's so we can feel safe walking down the road", can I, as a "white woman" go into a predominantly black neighborhood without being questioned, without being "eyeballed"? Can I, as a "white woman" walk into a black owned business in a black neighborhood without someone thinking that I'm up to something? Yes.  I had the nerve to question racial profiling towards "white folk".

Now, that I have your attention, let's make some things clear. There is profiling and denial thrust upon people every day...from every walk of life. I can't go into a "rich" type store, dressed in my jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers, without being followed or watched.  I don't "look" like I belong there. I can't go into some churches in this country dressed that way, and NOT get "looks" because it doesn't "look" christian or "godly". I can't walk into a strip club, alone, without it being thought that I'm lesbian or at least bi.

Just a few weeks ago, while visiting my niece at the hospital, we were waiting on the walk way to show "walk" so we (my husband and I) could legally cross the street.  While it was showing "don't walk", a black couple decided to start crossing the road (jay-walking...illegal). I happened that a white man had just pulled out of the parking area and had to wait on those two to get out of his way.  They strolled, along, knowing that he would have to wait on them. When they were safe distance enough from  his van, he gently started pulling off to continue his drive.  The black woman eyeballed the driver and made a racially motivated remark about him. The man had every RIGHT to speak back to her but didn't. SHE and the man with her broke the law by walking across the road at an illegal moment. The walk/don't walk sign is there for protection for those who cross the street. She chose to get mad at HIS behavior...instead of her own. Had the situation been reversed....OMG..the fight that would have come forth.

So, once more, I ask the question:  What "civil rights" are being "fought" for? furthermore, where's the "civility" in "fighting for civil rights"?

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