Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is God a changing God?

Posted as a note on FB November 2, 2012 at 9:13am

"My God is a changing God, a loving God, a God who wants his children to live happy and peaceful. I feel quite comfortable in kneeling before him on Judgement Day and I am strong in my faith."  (an opinion seen on my news feed)

"Let me tell you something people!!!!  God does NOT change!!!  HE is God Almighty! 
Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not

The ONLY way His children will be happy and peaceful is to obey HIS words!!! It is strictly by HIS mercy that we are not immediately judged.  It is HIS grace that brought us salvation.  People, if you think there is any other way to be a Christian..outside the shed blood of Jesus the Messiah....you are in danger of never being with God for eternity.  I don't claim to be perfect...I know I'm not.  I also know, however, that it's by the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus that I"m saved.  There is NOTHING I can do to earn that salvation.  The opinion that you being "comfortable" doesn't equate to salvation.  That's a false sense of security where YOUR salvation is concerned.  Wake up.  When you stand before God Almighty, how will you plead?  Innocent due to your own works of the flesh?  OR...guilty and unworthy but covered with the blood of Jesus?  Wake up people!!!   The day of judgement is at hand.  God will reign down judgement upon this land.  A refiner's fire!!!!   Purging the unclean!!!  The heaven's are slowly opening up.  Ask for forgiveness for having the arrogant attitude that you are capable of obtaining salvation your own way.  Our nation has asked: My God!  My God!  Why have you forsaken us?   God would say unto you:  "It is not I that have forsaken you.  It is YOU who have forsaken Me.  I AM!!!  I Am the Creator of the Universe!   I Am the giver of salvation!  I Am the ONE who makes a way out of no way!  I AM !!!  I AM!!!!  I AM the Alpha and Omega!  I AM the Aleph Tav! All things begin and end with Me and Me alone!  I love you so very much!  All I've wanted is for you to kneel at my feet.  All I've ever wanted ss for you to follow Me.  I created you to worship me!  I created you to trust in ME!  I CREATED YOU!!!  I watched at you were formed in the womb of your mother.  I watched as you were birthed.  I listened as you took your first breath.  I was there the first time you opened your eyes.  I've NEVER left you.  I'm where I've always been.  It is you who've left me.  I AM ever present!  I AM !!!  I AM everything!"

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