Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Never forget

September 11, 2012 at 8:23am

 September 11,2001 ...... denial, anger, depression, distrust ... patriotism, unity, togetherness. Such an extreme range of emotion happened that day.  It was the day that most of us, as Americans, truly began to learn about Islam. Here we are, 11 years later.  We are now told by our government that Islam is a religion of peace.  Peace.  September 11, 2001 was anything but a show of peace.  It was a direct attack against US.....as individuals.....as a nation.  With this election, please keep in mind the friends that each candidate has.  One has friends who are radical muslims.  One has friends who seek only to infiltrate and take over our country.  One has friends who have nothing better to do than make sure Americans suffer.  Why?  Simply because we are Americans. This election is about making sure that we, as a nation, as individuals, don't lose any more of our freedoms.  Remember, September 11, 2001 hasn't ended for our military who still fight those who would harm us.  How will you show your support for this country?  How will you show your patriotism this November?  How will YOU show YOUR support for our military...the military that one candidate is wanting to discredit by taking away some of the days they have to get their votes in?  How will you explain to your children...your grandchildren...YOU vote when they ask about this day in the future.   Will you tell them that you voted to bring back OUR freedom?  Will you tell them that you voted to help bring pride back to this country?  Will you tell them that you voted to bring back respect for this country?  OR.....will you tell them that you voted for someone who has friends who seek to only harm us by infiltrating our government?  Remember, radical Islam is still around.  It's called the Muslim Brotherhood.  There is ONE candidate who has allowed them to take place in OUR government.  There is ONE candidate who welcomed them, with open arms, into the place in which he lives. On the other hand, we have a candidate who has given much to his society. We have a candidate we can choose who follows the Bible by helping the less fortunate.  We have a candidate we can choose who has turned his state around for the better....created jobs, took NO pay as Governor...took NO pay for over 28 years for work that he's performed.  This election isn't just about picking a candidate for the office of the President.  This election is making sure that those responsible for the events of 9/11 aren't allowed to be in control of OUR country.  If you are still undecided, maybe you need to remind yourself of history and events happening in Islamic countries.  This election is about standing up for OUR freedoms....for OUR rights....for OUR nation!

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